4 Common Grammar Hiccups In Student Writing

Writing is one of the givens of academia and even post-academic life. By writing it does not only mean writing with a pen and on a paper, it means writing of all kinds, including the modern ways of doing assignments like typing on a computer. When students sit down to write, they usually make different and all sorts of mistakes in their work. As obviously, they are learning and getting their grips on different courses along with trying to adjust to high demands of academic term, they will be making mistakes and the work might not be as perfect. This is what a student’s domain is, they do not have to be like their professors who are perfect, they are still going through a learning phase which means mistakes can be tolerated to some extent.

Usually students in traditional or online class make it a point and take this added pressure on them of having to do everything like a pro, when they cannot do that they lose all their motivation. It is important for students to understand that they can be amateur writers, but also it is important that they take care of some things while writing. For example, grammar is something that students are taught from the very first level of their academia. However, they still struggle to maintain the right grammar consistently and make really silly mistakes. This is where they lose most of their marks. Today, we will talk about four common grammar hiccups that students come across while writing.

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4 Common Grammar Hiccups In Student Writing

Tenses- Past, Present and Future

The biggest misunderstanding most students in their middle academic age, face is the basic understanding of using different tenses of the same word. They are found using the future tense of the word while referencing a past even or found to be using the present tense of the word while trying to make a reference to the future tense. This happens a lot and when students make such errors the quality of their writing consistently suffers and will irritate their teachers as well, the reason being the fact that this is something they should have known by the time they are at the present academic stage of their lives.

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Spellings and Meaning of the Same Sounding Words

The uses of words like “their”, “there” and other similar angles of the words having same sound different meaning have always been the most neglected error in writing. Whenever you are trying to finish something fast you usually make such errors in your work.

Structure of the Sentences

Grammar also deals with how you structure your sentences. Trying to make your sentences creative by writing in a different manner can force you to make this structure error and make your sentence sound or mean completely different to the reader.

Using Vowels

It might sound simple to use the vowels, but in tricky situations where using a vowel without the presence of a vowel letter like in the word “hour” is something that confuses many students and this is another very basic mistake or hiccup that you can come across in a student’s academic writing.

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Author Bio:

Trisha Smith is a professional academic writer, a part time blogger and an experimenting poet. She also has tried her hand at writing short creative stories for children. At present, she is affiliated with Assignment help institute UK and working as a content writer and proofreader. She also works as a consultant for writing challenged students. Students can follow here at Facebook-Twitter-Gplus.
